
Not many of my followers know that for the past two years I’ve been living… like a gypsy. Ever since I moved out, I’ve never lived in one place too long, roughly 5-6 months in each place. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with where I live/lived, my life just has too many things going on at once and staying still is becoming a hassle. I live out of boxes and over-night bags, slowly making my way to finding my forever home and taking all this into perspective, I’ve not had a mailing address or anything for these past 2 years.

Bbbuuuttt then there’s points where I HAVE to leave a location when I’m not ready to, thus leading to the true topic of my post; finding a new place.

In my current place, we’re facing eviction and my best friend going to jail and I’ve got no where else to go. My parents have basically disowned me and I’m not on speaking terms with the vast majority of my family and Strawberry and I struggle to keep off the grind (I will never go back to that). That’s the main reason I haven’t been posting- I just can’t.

My car is becoming my battle wagon in all of this; he’s my get away car, my batmobile, my shelter from the Texas winters and hell’s summers And my only real world ttraveler, wish me luck ❤

Fuck. This. Feeling. (explicit)

EVERYONE goes through something. EVERYONE has some kind of story. EVERYONE deals with shit that JUST. SUCKS…


It sounds… SO stupid, I know and I know that it will come off as bitching but really. Fuck everything. I’m done.


You win mother fuckers! You’ve kicked me while I was down and I’m having one HELL of a time standing back up.



No matter what way you look at it, that’s where I’m at. I feel like I’ve been here for a while now and I’m just digging deeper and deeper into absolutely nothing. I’m not sad, I’m not upset by anything really…. just kinda lonely.

I recently moved out here (3 mo. ago) and I have no friends that live near me. I have work friends that seem pretty nice but I’ve got no movie hang out friends, no sleepover friends, no tell-secrets-to friends. It’s just me out here doing my thing but it doesn’t feel like its enough to do anything.

I don’t really know what I’m doing with anything right now so hopefully I’ll figure that out soon.

Just a thought.

My Creaking and Shrieking Body

I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned it, but for a loooooong time now I’ve known that there was something wrong with my body. I was always sick, always tired, always having weight fluxuations, always sore, always creaking. At first, I thought it was normal; a growing girl? But I began noticing that my body would get weak and I became sick after eating certain foods. I would gain weight so fast and lose it so slowly and of course, to a 13 year old girl, that completely shattered my confidence. I ignored it at first, went about my day, but I became the butt of jokes at my school. I was bullied for being the “weird girl” or the “sick girl”, the “fat girl” or the “ugly girl”.

This continued until eventually I had enough and a lot of stuff went down and OF COURSE my body got weaker. I found out, after I had entered High School, that I had developed IBS and during my senior year, I found out that there was something wrong with my thyroid (which turned into hypothyroidism). After learning about the hypothyroidism, we found out that it had a lot of do with my weight gain and my hormone levels fluxuating and a bunch of other shit that aided in my middle school years being miserable. This wasn’t horrible and easily something I would live with but to make matters worse, I got strep throat soon after and after that I developed Post Streptococcal (post strep) Arthritis that just… never went away.

I don’t know if you’ve ever felt full body pain that hurts so much that it paralyzes you, but that’s what post strep is. I woke up and the very act of wiggling my fingers shot a series of painful spasms across my arm and body, I couldn’t even move without crying in pain. Its like every joint and muscle in your body lacks any kind of strength and support and I felt so bad for my parents who honestly had no idea about any of it. My dad would say I was over reacting and that I needed to just get over it, my mom would kind of just think I was being sluggish or lazy but I think with her, after a few days with nothing getting better she became worried.

The post strep (this time) lasted about a week and after that I was moving around like before. I thought that it was all just a weird experience but not long after (my body is weak, remember?) I got the flu and it AAALLLL came back at once and this time lasted a full month. My mother gave me a walker for when I got like that which I’m thankful for because I was never the same after that. My joints would creak and ache and I would get so sore and it just got worse and worse.

Now I’m 18, still have IBS… still have Hypothyroidism… my joints are a hell of a lot worse and recently found out that I have a good chance of having juvenile arthritis or Lupus disease. It’s all a lot of medical things and ALL OF IT is genetic.

This is the story of my creaking and shrieking body, it sucks but I just have to make the best of my bad situations.