Dealing with people.

I’ve not been on in a while so I’ll just update you a bit: I got a job at Walmart as a cashier about 3 months ago.

It’s not been all bad, mostly just a lot of repetition but as the job title implies I do have to take care of, handle and/or deal with customers. As an individual who gets nervous easily and needs to feel comfortable to become even remotely social, this job comes super easy to me aside from some snags. So… here is a list of things I’ve learned thus far on how to deal with people in both the workplace and in everyday life.

  • Come prepared. You will constantly be surprised so just be prepared for anything, good or bad.
  • Not everyone is your friend. They will pretend like they are and you can talk like you are but no, not everyone should be your friend.
  • Don’t get discouraged. Shit happens, people make mistakes. Just keep going because it does work out.
  • Ask for help. You do not have to know everything and no one is expecting you to.
  • Find your center. It sounds cheesy but it helps when you need to refocus.
  • Secure your quiet area. You will always been a debunker after every day, working or not. Its just good to have something that can help you wind down from everything.
  • Learn who you can trust. This goes back to the friend thing, not everyone is nice enough to help you out when in need.
  • Make a friend. Trust me, sitting alone at lunch sucks and sadly I do it more than I want to.
  • Learn to laugh. This one is annoying and can be difficult but its required for a lot of things (especially in retail.)
  • Don’t overthink the small stuff. There will always be something bigger that will come soon after.
  • Pace yourself. Rushing sucks and when you’re sore and you’re handling something it sucks even more. just take your time, you’ll get it soon enough.
  • Always have a pen on hand. I don’t know what it is about pens but its like they vanish; keep one on you incase of emergency or as a conversation starter.

Hopefully this can help.

Just a thought.

That hard word called “Single”

So, surprise! Things with Jon didn’t work out (this happened a while ago) and it turned into a messy situation really fast and though he and I are still really good friends, the break-up was really hard to get through. For right now, I’m coasting through things and just taking it as they come. I’ve started working so I can pay my bills and do things for myself now and I’m doing pretty okay! As for my love-life… let what comes as it may. I’m not going to search the ends of the Earth just for my “knight in shining armor”; if anything happens then it happens.


Personally, I feel like romance is a big, big, BBIIIGGGG part of a relationship, even if that relationship has lasted decades and I don’t mean that the relationship has to be ALL ABOUT romance… the little stuff is just as important as the big stuff… I’m saying that it is really, really nice to feel special and feel completely in love and have all of that mushy gooey crap even if its just for a minute; its nice to be reminded of the feelings you felt the very first time you kissed your special someone or the excitement of your first date or the moment you knew you were completely head over heels in love… Sometimes that is all someone really needs to make them feel better about anything.


Just a thought…

Long Distance Love

I think that long distance relationships and beautiful and very hard and occasionally very, very worth it. For seven years I’ve been off and on with this boy who has been there with me through just about EVERYTHING. I can honestly say that he’s my best friend and I really do need him in my life… but he lives in Massachusetts and that’s really hard because I live in Texas.

Sooo that’s why my last post is such a big deal, Saturday (1/11/14) will be the first time that Jon and I will ever meet in person and I’m both stoked and nervous at the same time. Its kinda hard to explain everything and I love telling the story to those who ask but life’s supposed to be an adventure so I’m going to make the best of mine. ❤

means the most

Being “Sophisticatedly Different”

If you have seen my posts, you’ve somewhere seen “sophisticatedlydifferentharlee“.

Being “sophisticatedly different” pretty much means just being weird; not creepy weird but in a personality kind of way. One of my friends, every time I would say something different or funny or anything to her, she would say, “weirdo” and I would reply with, “I’m not weird, I’m sophisticatedly different.” and thus began everything.

So be proud to be “sophisticatedly different” and happy with who you are whether it be silly, funny, stupid, or even weird. ;]

Just a thought.

Your opinions on facebook and you.

Okay.. so…. I feel like if you post something “controversial” publicly on your Facebook page, you should expect to see other people’s opinions on it too. If you post something about how religion is trash, things that you think about politics or even things as simple as a personal opinion of yours, you shouldn’t be offended if someone with opposing views from yours steps up and says something. That doesn’t mean you should be rude or trash talk something just to talk, it means that should your opinion oppose (or support) such ideas, you need to have a valid point with valid proof. Don’t be the person that says “[Insert your argument here] is right/wrong/this way/that way because I think it is and there for it is true.” You look uninformed and, when someone calls you out on the matter and you get offended, insecure.

and remember… some people troll… learn the difference between a playful argument and a serious one.

Just a thought.

Rules that college and life should’ve prepared you for (updates frequently)

As soon as I got to college I was so excited for what was to come and prepared myself for what I thought would be the things that were important (i.e. supplies, clothing etc.). However, after only a week, I realized that I was completely unprepared to handle life on my own (and life with a roommate), so together, Tori and I have made a list of rules that colleges don’t tell you about that could make your experience one with many laughs, awkward silences and late night Supernatural marathons.

  1. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
  2. There is no such thing as a “hot shower”. There is scalding, luke-warm, and freezing. Choose wisely.
  3. Buy books online to avoid going broke.
  4. Always be prepared for the unexpected. This includes “unexpected” fire drills at 1:30 am.
  5. Self-transportation is the ONLY transportation. Open parking spots do not exist.
  6. There’s what you want to do and what you have to do. Make the hard decision.
  7. Sometimes the big challenges are the most gratifying but it’s the little ones that are the most rewarding.
  8. Rather than sit alone while dinning, sit with a stranger. The experience is more enjoyable and it’s an easy way to make a friend.
  9. Find a form of studying that works for you… Otherwise you’re reading 54 pages from your history book due the next day.
  10. Take on each day with a overwhelming amount of self confidence. This leads to new friends, good days, and free t-shirts.
  11. Think smart buy smart. College will suck away all of your funds, spend what you’ve got wisely.
  12. Leave the house early for everything. If you’re not early, you’re late.
  13. Make your roommate your best friend. You’re going to be living with them for a while, make the most of it.
  14. Take time to smell the flowers, it just might be an adventure of its own.
  15. Pick your moments. Maybe all you need is some dinosaur chicken nuggets to make a night better.
  16. Sometimes you’ve just got to go for something. Not everything in the world is planned out, when life gives you lemons, make strawberry watermelon juice.